Your Business is too important to look like everyone else. It's time to STAND OUT!



Join us on July 30th!



Learn from award-winning brand transformist, Chris Beltran as he shows you how to take your branding from GENERIC to ICONIC by defining your visual vibe!

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.


Chris is the highly sought after Brand Strategist & Designer to some of today’s industry leaders including  James Wedmore, Jadah Sellner, Jim Fortin, Kate Northrup & others! He's helped hundreds of businesses transform their branding to increase their income and impact.

We all know the brands that quickly stand out, get attention! 


In this live workshop hosted by Chris Beltran and Holly Hillyer, Chris will be taking you through the same process he takes his 6, 7 and even 8 figure clients to help them define their brand’s style and visual vibe.

Walk away creating an iconic brand blueprint. Learn what you need to catch the attention of your perfect-fit clients.  

Just look at what attendees are saying!


Live Access

This workshop will be LIVE including the time to create your brand blueprint and complete the exercises. Get your questions answered in a real time Q&A session!

Action Guide

Along with live access, you'll have a complimentary action guide, so note taking breakthroughs and implementation is simple and easy.

Watch the Replay

Can't make the live session - no worries! The live workshop and Q&A session will be recorded and available within 24 hours. That way you can catch up or review.


Meet Chris!

Hey there! I'm an award winning Brand Strategist that has helped TEDx Speakers, Influential Online Brands and Coaches create irresistible branding...and now it’s YOUR Turn!

My VIP clients invest thousands of dollars to work with me in a close intimate setting...and now I'm co-hosting my signature Define Your Visual Vibe Workshop for FREE! You don't have to wait any longer to create a brand you're truly proud of. So, tell me...are you in?
Join Us!

So let’s get REAL for a second...

Every struggling business neglects their branding. Sadly, it's the last thing on their priority list. But, you're different. You know that great branding has an impact on the success of your business. That's why you're here! 

  • You want to finally create a brand that stands out, attracts perfect-fit clientele and has a distinct brand presence in the marketplace. (Basically, easily recognizable and referable.) 

  • You want to take your branding from looking and sounding GENERIC TO ICONIC!

  • And, like the leading brands in every industry, you just don't want more followers - but brand ambassadors that constantly refer your business, right?


But the biggest HURDLE I see with struggling businesses, is that they are constantly overlooked by their ideal audience. Brands that are always in-demand know how to capture an audience's attention and trust. While overlooked brands struggle to convey a consistent message & visuals.


So you might be thinking...


How do I take my business from being overlooked to in-demand?


Well, look — we all know a book is judged by its cover. And with more and more businesses being created everyday, it’s more important than ever to stand out with a brand that reflects the quality and value your business provides. Yet, so many brands stay invisible because they continue to put off focusing on their "branding." I keep hearing..."I'll just wait until my business can afford it." 


Wait what?! This is totally backwards thinking and its keeping so many businesses in the shadows of others that are taking their branding seriously (Even if they have a tight budget). I mean, why would you continue to canva-hack your branding and risk looking and sounding like everyone else in your industry? If you think about it, how can any business afford to be overlooked these days?


Choosing to neglect your branding won’t just repel your ideal audience...It’ll attract the wrong type of customers. Now, just imagine attracting the WRONG type of customers over and over. Customers that are just looking for the cheapest option out there. You will be spending more time and money trying to convince your them on your price, credibility and even legitimacy!


And every business that gets stuck here — and stays stuck here — is making one of the BIGGEST mistakes that’s guaranteed to keep them from amplifying their income & impact.


This is why I created The Define Your Visual Vibe Workshop! 

So you can attract your ideal clients, customers and students right from the start. Learn the exact process I take my clients through to help them truly express their brand's uniqueness and personality. If you want to make this the best year yet in business, join us on the workshop. See you there!